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iDemise WoW Leveling Guide 3.3.69

iDemise WoW Leveling Guide iDemise WoW Leveling Guide 3.3.69

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iDemise WoW Leveling Guide Publisher's Description

Team iDemise Has The Fastest 1-80 Time in the World! We Get There In 6 Days 5 Hours and using our In-game WoW Leveling Guide You Can Do It Too!

Team iDemise Alliance & Horde leveling guide is jam-packed with everything you need to master World of Warcraft Horde and Alliance. After joining you will receive a lifetime membership to our members area where you will have access to the following:

- MapMod v2 leveling addon to help you leveling with lightning speed. Comes with an in-game step-by-step questing leveling guide with the fastest routes ever recorded, waypoint system, crystal clear leveling instructions, and tips within the instructions to help you kill faster or complete difficult quests.

- Access to the forums where you can discuss strategies, hints, and tips with other members. Members of Team iDemise will also be visiting the forums to join the discussions and give any help we can.

-The guide includes levels 1-10 starting areas for each class. You can choose whatever class you like.

-Just follow the exact routes taken by the pros so you can reach level 80 in just 6 days!

-No matter what level you are at this moment, you can easily pickup this guide and use it effectively. You do not need to create a new character to begin using this guide!

- Comes with a 'Pro Tips' section that tells you critical information to help you level as fast as humanly possible. Including just 1 of these tips could increase your leveling speed by 500%.

The guide is updated for the latest patch and contains the Complete 60-80 guide to questing in the Outlands and WoLTK.

Memberships last a lifetime and you will receive all updates for free!

What's New in Version 3.3.69 of iDemise WoW Leveling Guide

several new hidden quests and locations

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